The Identification System CIS3 is the predominantly used standard system in the CIS system family. The CIS3 features compact data carriers.

071552 CIT3PL1N30-STA Read-only head CIT3 with parallel interface, plugged in axially Further information
- Parallel interface
- Cylindrical design M30
- M12 plug connector
- Axial connection
071950 CIT3PL1N30-STR Read-only head CIT3 with parallel interface, plugged in radially Further information
- Parallel interface
- Cylindrical design M30
- M12 plug connector
- Radial connection
- Serial interface RS232
- Active face can be adjusted to 5 different positions
- Standard housing according to EN 50041
- Connection terminals
096560 CIT3SX1R1G05KX Read/write head CIT3 G05 with serial interface Further information