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您当前的位置:百州电子网首页 » 泉州金盛源电子贸易 » 供应产品 » FZ-SC5M2资料详细参数+供应商家
产品: FZ-SC5M2资料详细参数+供应商家 
单价: 面议
最小起订量: 1 件
供货总量: 666 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-08-13 08:43









 泉州金盛源电子贸易有限公司是中国领先的贸易公司和优质的进出口产品供应商。公司位于著名历史文化名城、海上丝绸之路的起点泉州晋江市,是一家集生产加工、经销批发自动化产品和自动化设备为一体、经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。 并以国外多家大型品牌公司有和好的关系,售后服务完善。客户遍及国内油田、矿山、化工、水电、冶炼、港口、铁路等行业。

油田方面:大庆、胜利、青海、新疆、辽河、长庆、吉林、塔里木、及吐哈等国内各大油田,同时还不断在各油田增设分公司或客户服务办事处。 公司秉承“创新理念、追求卓越、迅速改善、永续经营“的经营理念;并以“质量是第一工作”,“顾客的满意是我们的荣誉”作为我们永远不变的质量政策;以爱护环境、回报社会、关爱雇员等社会责任为己任;把“诚信、负责、创新、团队”作为锋明人不断的追求和目标, 愿与广大朋友携手共创美好的明天!

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   SERVICE Siemens 6ES7647-5BG10-7CX0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  12  522  89
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   SERVICE Siemens 6ES7647-5CE10-2CX0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  12  522  89
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   SERVICE Siemens 6SE7032-2EE85-1AA0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  13  585  80
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   SERVICE Siemens 6ES7478-2DA10-0AC0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  17  198  15
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7661-1AA10-4BS0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  14  117  33
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7884-2AH20-0AA0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  12  082  75
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7240-6DA00-0HA0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  10  978  25
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   SERVICE Siemens 6FC5840-3XG10-6YA0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  969  13
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV1222-0AA21 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  8  678  02
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   SERVICE Siemens 555-1104 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  18  651  47
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV2124-1MC01-0AX0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  8  021  96
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   SERVICE Siemens 6SE7041-8GK85-0HA0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  9  583  12
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   SERVICE Siemens 6DD1640-0AE0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  6  942  37
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   SERVICE Siemens 5TI-2001 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  6  311  29
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   SERVICE Siemens 6SE7031-2TF50 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  23  434  73
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   SERVICE Siemens 6SL3125-3UE32-2AA0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  22  089  40
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7861-3AB00-0AA0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  5  771  45
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7614-0AB10-0CJ0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  778  19
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7892-0BG40-0BE0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  778  19
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   SERVICE Siemens 6FC5103-0AB03-1AA3 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  047  34
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV3535-1FA01-0AX0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  10  388  68
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   SERVICE Siemens 6SL3136-7TE28-0AA3 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  14  931  12
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   SERVICE Siemens 6EA1730-0AA00-3AA1 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  10  380  38
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   SERVICE Siemens 6ES7414-2XJ01-0AB0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  12  705  60
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   SERVICE Siemens 6SL3225-0BH27-5AA0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  10  446  79
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV6647-5AG10-0CX0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  11  077  95
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   SERVICE Siemens A5E00263160 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  8  262  78
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7832-0BA10-1CA0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  778  19
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7893-0BE00-1AB0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  778  19
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7812-0BB11-1AC0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  778  19
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7812-0BB11-2AC0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  778  19
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7704-1CC10-0AD0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  778  19
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   SERVICE Siemens 6AV7725-1BC10-0AD0 [12 MonTHS WARRANTY]
  15  778  19
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