联系人:刘先生:17620984601【Q Q:1686531545】
安捷伦Agilent/HP、泰克Tektronix、安立Anritsu、罗德施瓦茨R&S、爱德万Advantest、艾法斯Aeroflex、马可尼IFR/Marconi、吉时利Keithley、日立Hitachi、 松下Panasonic、
福禄克Fluke、致茂Chroma、力科Lecroy、莱特波特LitePoint、是德Keysight 、横河Yokogawa、柯尼卡美能达KonICA MINOLTA、思博伦Spirent?等品牌所有产品。
Key Facts
Extension unit for an R&S®ZVA/ZVT network analyzer for measurements on T/R modules, receivers, transceivers and power amplifiers
base unit supports power levels up to +43 dBm
Options for pulse modulation, amplification, high-power, noise figure and intermodulation measurements
R&S®ZVAX‑TRM models up to 24/40/50/67 GHz
Flexible configuration for the required application
Straightforward dialogs for measurement configuration
Automatic detection and control of R&S®ZVAX‑TRM via USB interface
Brief Description
The configurable R&S®ZVAX‑TRM extension unit is used together with an R&S®ZVA / R&S®ZVT (the R&S®ZVAX-TRM24/40/50/67 can be combined with any R&S®ZVA8/24/40/50/67 or R&S®ZVT8/20 network analyzer; the extension unit is supplied as
standard with the RF interconnection cables for the corresponding R&S®ZVA24/40/50/67 model) network analyzer to provide signal conditioning for demanding measurements on active DUTs. For example, it allows measurements on pulsed
signals or noise figure measurements on transmit/ receive (T/R) modules. Together with an R&S®ZVA network analyzer, the R&S®ZVAX‑TRM provides costomized test sets for applications up to 24/40/50/67 GHz (restrictions on some options
for the 67 GHz model).
Key specifications
Maximum input power at test port base unit +43 dBm 1)
Rise time R&S®ZVAXxxB712/B73 pulse modulator options <5 ns, typ. 1ns
On/off ratio at 10 GHz R&S®ZVAXxxB712/B73 pulse modulator options >60 dB
Pulse droop R&S®ZVAXxxB712/B73 pulse modulator options typ. 0.05 dB
Trigger delay R&S®ZVAXxxB712/B73 pulse modulator options <25 ns
Output power (with all options installed, -5 db input power) R&S®ZVAXxxB112/B134 output amplifier options > 5 dBm (higher output power with less options installed or higher input power)
Dynamic range with all options installed up to 24 GHz >120 dB
Dynamic range with all options installed up to 40 GHz >110 dB
Dynamic range with all options installed up to 50 GHz >100 dB
Dynamic range with all options installed up to 67 GHz >90 dB
本公司高价现金回收各类射频仪器、通用仪器、无线通信测试仪器、光通信测试仪器、音/视频仪器、色谱/光谱分析仪器,不限好坏,中介重酬!请与我联系 17620984601(刘生)【微信同号】,价高同行,无忧处置闲置仪器!